Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Nicole and Masaki called last night as we were getting Tenna ready for bed. Lucky for them we had just discovered a new way to make her laugh. So they were able to hear her laughing in Japan! What a great time we live in. She really is a doll. I am so spoiled by her sweet temperment. All you have to do is look at her and she smiles.  Posted by Picasa

Monday, July 18, 2005

She finally made it today! The toe successfully reached the mouth. She seems to have been very interested in doing that, so she must be quite happy with herself.  Posted by Picasa

Monday, July 11, 2005

I finally got around to FINISHING a project or two on the sewing machine. The colors are really much better in real life for this quilt. I still have a few chairs to finish , so there is always something more to do. Tenna is a sleepy girl recently (must be a growth spurt) so I am finding myself with a bit of free time. Now if I could just get good at this stuff I could start a business. I just want to make enough that I can buy more craft supplies! I guess Tenna will get mobile soon though, then there will be no time. ;)  Posted by Picasa

Amy's baby blanket

My new skill in crochet borders...
So I really made this for Amy's little boy, though he is not due until October....I just can't keep a secret so I gave it to her today. Haha, oh well! I was just so excited to finish it, my first one! I really think I could get used to it, I find it very relaxing. Posted by Picasa

Friday, July 08, 2005

I wish there was some way I could put a recording of Tennas voice on this sight. She is getting so expressive. Anywho, I loved the DROOL in this picture. Too bad I couldn't get one of her long strings. I think she saves those for when I am holding her though!  Posted by Picasa

Tummy time is much better now! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Well I have had a few requests to add some Tenna pictures so here they are. She is getting fat and hairy ;) She has this high pitched squeel that she has started to do when she is cranky. I feel bad that I think it is so cute! She is still refusing to roll over, but loves to giggle and coo, so I guess that makes up for it. What a good little girl. I just wish she wasn't so camera shy! Posted by Picasa

Just another cute picture! Posted by Picasa