Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Tenna likes her new highchair! Hmm I think I missed some peas on her upper lip.  Posted by Picasa

I went to grab a wet paper towel to clean Tenna off with and when I turned around she was trying to suck food off of the tray! I couldn't get her to do it again, but she is licking her fingers.  Posted by Picasa

Monday, August 29, 2005

Tenna had a little lamb...well this one is for Grandpa Noyes! Tenna has really grown attached to her lamb (from Japan ;) the past little bit. She usually plays with it when she wakes up, but apparently it is now her little sleep buddy too. I can't believe she is growing up so fast! Posted by Picasa

Friday, August 26, 2005

I finally caught her! This is from the other day. I had put her in the center of her mat on her back only to find her in this spot minutes later. Well today I caught her. She rolled from her back to her tummy, and before she could hide it I came out! Ha! So then she gave up the quise and gave me a show. What a tallented girl! Posted by Picasa

Peek-a-boo Posted by Picasa

Monday, August 22, 2005

More please....wait, what are you having? Posted by Picasa

Does it make you wonder what daddy is saying to her? I just had to put this up as proof that I am not starving my husband ;) Posted by Picasa

Sunday, August 21, 2005

I am cute!  Posted by Picasa

Tenna is getting pretty good at sitting up, but she does like to lean forward a lot. I think these pictures really capture her (daang she is cute). We had a great time at Julia and Dave's wedding, but she is glad to be home relaxin' I hope you all enjoy this picture as much as I do! Posted by Picasa

Our little Zoolander...this is a softer look, for things like Calendars and shoe advertizements... Posted by Picasa

Saturday, August 20, 2005

I think Tenna is hiding some of her abilities from me. I will walk out of the room to wash my hands and when I come back she is turned 90 degrees and two feet from where she was. Considering I don't see her do much more than kick her legs this is perplexing. The photo is of a baby taco in her play gym. It usually looks like a four peg tent without walls. Hmmmm, what will she do next? Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Heheh sorry for putting another sleeping picture, but I thought this one really showed off her fuzzy blond hair. Tres cute if you ask me. She has been such a chatter box the past few days. It cracks me up! She is also a lot more prone to giggle. Apparently it is very funny when mommy makes monkey noises...maybe it seems oddly appropriate. Who knows? Heheh I love my girl! Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

I still get a kick out of seeing Tenna sleeping. There is something so precious about a napping baby. When you are the sleep-impaired mother of said infant they are even more precious.  Posted by Picasa