Thursday, September 29, 2005

I thought the expression on her face here was the beginning of a story...anyone have any ideas? Posted by Picasa

Tenna is modeling her new hat. It's fun to make baby things when you have such a cute model! Tenna has also decided she wants to dance! She loves to bounce her littl body up and down when her music plays. It is so cute! I can't believe how fast she is learning new things! Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Tenna likes to help mama whenever she can. Posted by Picasa

Playing dress up on a rainy day!

This is a picture of Tenna in her booties. She loved this fabric at the store so I had to buy it for her (particularly since she drooled all over it!) Plus this is a great picture of her teeth! I think you will have to click on it to see a bigger image if you really want to see them though. She is such a happy girl! That is all we ever hear when we go anywhere "I have never seen such a happy baby!" Posted by Picasa

...and this is the poncho I made for her. She picked out the fabric at the store and can't get enough of it. This is a prefered item. I think I will have to make her a teddy bear out of it!  Posted by Picasa

This one reminds me so much of what Nicole and I looked like when we were babies! Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

I wonder if she is going to be a sleep walker when she gets older, she sure moves around a lot right now.  Posted by Picasa

Thursday, September 15, 2005


Wha? This seems to be a pretty common expression... Posted by Picasa

I can't believe how beautiful she is some times. I took her to the sewing shop today, and everyone was saying how lovely her eyes are, how happy she is. It's too bad I can't get her to show off her new teeth for the camera! Posted by Picasa


We took Tenna in for her 6 month check up on Monday. She is growing well and the doctor was impressed with how happy she is. She was really showing off for him. (Though she wouldn't show him her teeth)
I was a bit disturbed by some things he said, however. He started talking about getting our house baby safe and discipline. What? My little baby will be moving and getting into trouble? I have known that she will move on to those things, but I guess I have been in denial. My little girl is going to grow up, and there is nothing I can do to stop it!
I have decided that children (pure and uninhibited) are much better at dealing with change. They embrace new experiences, and thrive on the drive to do something new! So how do I help her keep this?
I just have two quotes that I have been thinking about a lot in connection to this. I think that babies live this much better than we do!
"To live is to change, and to be perfect is to have changed often." -John Henry Newman

"The best way to cope with change is to help create it." -Robert Dole

Friday, September 09, 2005

Just because Posted by Picasa

I also leaned that I like embroidery....I forgot to take a picture of the pillow before giving it to them...ooops! Posted by Picasa

The Quilt

There have been a few requests that I put a picture of this quilt up. Sarah-beth and I have been working on it for our friends wedding and it is almost done. It was really fun and I hope it is just the beginning! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Baby kisses

I thing baby kisses are sort of gross! Tenna has been trying to give me kisses when I play with her and my face is close to hers. She sill grab my face and try to pull it to her mouth. Unfortunately there are onlt two actions that her mouth will do; suck and lick. As a result I am avoiding baby kisses. I am also trying to teach her fish lips and such so she can pucker up! Posted by Picasa