Saturday, October 29, 2005

We are going to have to watch this girl like a hawk when she gets older. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Muhahahah! Posted by Picasa

Mmmm, homemade bread. do I get the stuff that doesn't extend past my fist? This is a perdicament. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, October 23, 2005

The long Saturday....well worth it!

Yesterday was amazing! We loaded into the car in the wee hours of the morning and headed down to Manti to go to the temple and hang out with the family.
After a delicious lunch a bunch of us headed up to Maple Canyon to try out some rock climbing. That is where this tree comes in...nice huh? It was getting a little late and we had some tired babies with us, so we didn't climb much, but it sure was nice to be back on the rocks. Al and I hadn't been climbing since I was 3 or 4 months preggo!Posted by Picasa

Friday, October 21, 2005

Sunday, October 16, 2005


I know mommy didn't really disappear....dang! Booby-trapped! Posted by Picasa

Sassy Tenna!

"Where did you get that baby? She's too big to be yours!" This was a comment made to us today at church. I guess she is a pretty good sized baby...before he said the second part I was wondering if this kind brother was refering to how cute she is, and we....well...aren't.
Anywho, she continues to learn new ways of making us smile so we hope this picture does the same for you! Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Please, this is very serious, don't bother me while I am composing! Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Thinking about crawling

She can get that butt up pretty high (higher than this) but I am not sure she knows she wants to move yet! Posted by Picasa

Having a happy fit...she was throwing her legs up and down, it was soooo cute! Posted by Picasa

I was just perusing my old pictures and I got all nestalgic! Where has my little bald baby gone? This is Tenna at about two months of age! Cute huh? Now she is seven months and I am stunned at how fast time goes when you are the parent watching the child grow.  Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Do babies understand the laws of physics?

Is part of the amazement due to defying gravity? Who knows? We were out and about yesterday when I noticed a little party shop, so we stopped in for a balloon. She was laughing and playing in the store waiting for daddy. I think that was a well spent 46 cents! Posted by Picasa

Monday, October 03, 2005

Tenna decided that it was time to be a puppy! Ok that's not really it, though it sort of looks like it. Do you like her new sweatshirt? It is to match her hat from last week. Her aunt and I purchased the purple fleece together. This was my first atempt at designing my own pattern. Yeah, it helps to have a super cute model! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Our Family

How did she get so blond? Posted by Picasa

Our little genius babies are playing the piano. Uncle Michael took Tenna to the piano and she was playing her little heart out (dancing and everything) so we thought we would let them both at it. So far they aren't very interactive (other than trying to grab eachothers eyes), but we have high hopes for a great friendship! Posted by Picasa

Believe it or not...

Can you believe that this is five generations of women? Well it is cheating a bit (step-great-grandma) but it is still quite amazing.
BL-R: Great-grandma , Grandma
FL-R: Great-great-grandma , Mama , Tenna (baby)Posted by Picasa