Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Happy Memorial Day....a bit late

Well I have an excuse, we were in Boston! What better way to celebrate memorial day? We were able to visit the gravesites, homes and hangouts of many of the Revolutionary greats, as well as some post-revolutionary sites (ie. "Old Iron Sides").
It was eye opening to realize the suffering of the individuals, well known or obscure, in bringing about the country, and freedoms we now enjoy. It was certainly a different world, with different ideals.
I want to say "Thank you," to all of the people I know that have ever served in the armed forces, supported a noble cause or stood for truth. That is what I want to remember and revere this Memorial Day. Posted by Picasa

"Old Iron Sides"

A trip to Boston would not be complete for Albert and I if we didn't go see the USS Constitution. My mom graciously guided us around the historic sites, first fulfilling our request! I won't post too many pics, but this is the day that I have pictures from, so here goes. Posted by Picasa

Hmm, more of the people than the boat

Well this pic is more of Tenna and Albert than the boat, but that is ok. You can see how short the decks were. The average male back then was between 5'6" and 5'8", so Al was a bit above the cut. He got a good workout lunging through the lower decks trying to keep Tenna's head from bonking! Did I mention yet that this was a really good daddy/daughter vacation? Posted by Picasa


Yeah, this ship was pretty awsome. I can't imagine climbing up there lugging a huge piece of canvas to hang. They still sail the ship 7 times each year using only the topsails (I think) as they don't own the main sails. Posted by Picasa

the end of a long day...

and finally, after a big seafood dinner, here are daddy and Tenna relaxing on the couch. Posted by Picasa

Monday, May 22, 2006

Curious George

Sorry, no pictures this time, just funny anecdotes...
Tenna really likes animals, she LOVES doggies. We went to the library the other day and checked out "Curious George and the Puppies." When I turned the page to reveal the puppies she immediately started barking. I was just amazed that she could figure out that those funny little drawings were puppies. Needless to say I was impressed.
Next...she is walking well now and has discovered a new realm in the world of dance. Her dancing used to only consist of bouncing while sitting on the floor. Now she likes to bounce and twirl in circles. She was doing it this morning with my bandana on her head, I wish I had a picture!
And last...this is more of a brag...we are trying to get her used to the idea of being soft with a baby and gentle, and it seems to fascinate her a little. We went to church yesterday and she started saying "baby," (more like be-be) and pointing at the little ones around her. So now she says, dada, ball, bird (ba), puppy (papy), and baby. No, not mama. I tried to teach her that by pointing at her chest and saying "baby," or "Tenna," then pointing at my chest and saying "mama." Now she comes up to me whenever I have a design on my shirt and pokes it while proudly proclaiming "MAMA!" Oh well, I will just have to wait for my recognition I guess ;)

Friday, May 12, 2006

Diaper Time

Well I think I have finally figured out a pattern that I like for diapers. This dipe is two layers of fleece with a fleece/terry soaker. It is so soft, and Tenna looks way cute in it...too bad she wouldn't stand still to really moel it ;) Now I just have to start cranking them out! The nice thing is I can just remove the soaker and snap in a new one if the diaper is still dry. I ordered some other fabric to try out for more "summer time" diapers (ie/ not so hot) so I will try to post some of those when they are done.
BTW, heheh sorry Sarah, we figure since we still have Gracie's hat we would model that too ;) Posted by Picasa

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Long time...

Well I think this picture just about describes it ;) The crazy hair and expression that is, frazzled. Ok, not really. We have had a great time recently, lots of visitors and lots of fun new things going on! Tenna is a real walker now...a large part in thanks to her shoes from aunt Nicole and Uncle Masaki. They squeek when she takes a step, and that is plenty of motivation for her! Posted by Picasa