Sunday, July 16, 2006

They know more than they let on.

Tennna has a new game, she likes to dump out her baggie of cereal and eat it off the floor. Today daddy and I were working on a picture book for her and she decided it was time to play the game. Well, she dumped out her cereal then left for the kitchen. I called her back and told her it was time to clean up. Lo and behold she came back with the broom and dustpan! Maybe we really will be able to start doing chorse in a few months (haha, dream on)! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Daddy did my hair!

And you wonder why we don't let daddy do her hair very much! Actually this isn't as cool looking as the first time he got this band on her head, but it gives you the idea. Funny, she won't leave clips or rubber bands in when I do her hair, but if daddy does it...that's a different story! Posted by Picasa

Friday, July 07, 2006

Ode to Summer

This one is for you Stephanie P! I loved the little fruit baby pic, so I had to put up our reply! I am glad that she is enjoying the fruits of the season, though it does mean I never get to finish a piece of fruit unless she is sleeping! Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Tenna isn't ALWAYS a morning person!

I think this face must be what Tenna sees on me every morning when I wake up, so it is natural that she pulls it sometimes! Posted by Picasa


June Cleaver wore pretty shoes while she cleaned, I am off to a good start! Gramma visited this weekend and brought Tenna three new pairs of shoes! No one can tell me that shoe fettish isn't a gender thing because she was very specific about which shoes she wanted to where and when. Even before anything else was done, she had to have pretty shoes on! Posted by Picasa
...because this is the only picture with me in it that doesn't show my bum! Posted by Picasa
Beauty is pain Posted by Picasa
Beautified for the day! Posted by Picasa
...done helping mommy, time to get out of here! Posted by Picasa