Friday, January 19, 2007

Tenna's new "weewee"

It has been too cold the past few WEEKS to go outside and play on our new swing, so Tenna has to get creative. The "learning tower," is her new "weewee." She just holds herself up in the corner and swings her legs back and forth. Not bad, I must say. I am sure glad that thing is so stable.
I missed the best camera opp today too. Andi was laying on the floor on her back and Tenna came and laid down between her legs and put her head on Andi's tummy. The both giggled and squeeled for quite some time while playing with eachothers hair, tickling, etc...ah that is what having children is all about! Posted by Picasa

Andi's response

..what the heck is she doing? I am never going to do silly things that have the potential of scaring my mommy. Posted by Picasa

Friday, January 12, 2007

The true spirit of Andi

So Andi had a great first Christmas, and was just a little trooper for the trip....sorry I have been so neglectful on pics, here are the more recent going's on, enjoy... Posted by Picasa

Ready for an adventure!

Ok, so this is just a decoy for a toddler leash, but nobody tell Tenna. She thinks it's time to go backpacking, so off we go! Posted by Picasa

Do as I'm doing

Here's proof, Tenna wants to be a grown up, just like Aunt Nicole. ;) Posted by Picasa

Fun with Uncle Masaki and Clark

Well we had a great week with Masaki, Nicole, Clark and Grandma Lynne out. Tenna hasn't had this much exercise since the warm weather gave up! Clark is a great super man. Posted by Picasa
SSkidding out on a tight turn Posted by Picasa

Why don't I ever get anything done?

...Exhibit A, cleaning up after a toddler. Posted by Picasa
Exhibit B Posted by Picasa

Remodeling Redneck style

We have been completely remodeling the "master bathroom," it should be called the master pain in the keester, but that is a different story. This is the view from our back yard as our company began to show up. Nice, huh? Posted by Picasa