Thursday, December 27, 2007

Merry Christmas!

I hope everyone had a fabulous Christmas! We had a great time in Lyman with so many friends and family. The girls received a wonderful gift from a kind man in our ward (who work with Al in Sunday School). This beautiful rocking horse wasa huge success(can you tell?) We had to give it to the girls before we left, as it wouldn't fit in the car.
Lyman was cold, however, Tenna was undaunted. She loved the animals.
And all little girls love grandma!
....and candy!
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Christmas eve fun!

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The nativity

The Noyes clan has a tradition of playing out the nativity story on Christmas eve. It was so fun to have the little girls understand this, and play parts. Gracie was Mary, and Tenna was a sumersaulting goat at first. Then, of course we had to take turns, so Tenna was Mary. She was so sweet cooing at "baby Jesus." Though you can tell Gracie did not like giving up the title! They were such good girls sharing toys the next day, they could both be angels. (cheesy I know)

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The winning gifts

Andi enjoyes the recorders, but hands down her favorite gifts were all of her pretties! She received some beautiful necklaces. leaopard print shoes, etc. Such a glamour girl!

Tenna's favorite gifts were all of her horses. She got most of the horses at first, so when she opened a monkey book she leafed through it and asked "where are the horses?" One track mind!
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More Christmas

Clark was a bit more shy about everything. Such a cutie!
Grandma had a screeching monkey that was shot around all morning long.

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The morning after

Still having fun!
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And finally

The horse ride! Both girls enjoyed being on the farm and seeing the animals, though horses are our favorites! Each girlie had a chance to ride with daddy. Tenna wasw very concerned with learning the skills, Andi was content to ride and giggle. Albert said she couldn't stop laughing the whole time!

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Sunday, December 23, 2007


I am feeling a bit violated. Despite my "mama bear," exterior I hate, loathe, and, admittedly fear, spiders. Most of the spiders and I have come to a truce in this half century old house. I told them that if I see ample evidence in their webs that they are eating their share of bugs I will allow them a short respite from the hard life outdoors. There are a few hard luck cases that I have little sympathy for, however. This little man gets no meal tickets for hanging out on my couch, where my children play...He was so rude about his capture too! I had no idea how agresive these guys were! Maybe he is angry because I killed his girlfriend this summer (she was hitchin' a ride on the lawnmower). I think he should thank me for taking care of her before she took care of him! I guess I am just further evidence that women don't know what to do with men of this type, catch 'em or kill 'em.
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Monday, December 17, 2007


The picture has correlates to a story from last Sunday...Albert was doing a leson on symbols (he is our one and only ward Gospel Doctrine teacher), so he was looking for somethings to use as props. He asked if he could borrow some of the crocheted ornaments I have been making. I promptly accused him of turning into a girl (well Relief Societ Sister to be more preciese), to which he chuckled and nodded a brief ascent. Well you can imagine my horror when he told the ward of my teasing. Oy! Well he did get his revenge by calling them doileys. The men all laughed and a few of the ladies sniffed with disdain. A lady a few seats ahead of me proclaimed in a huffy tone "well whoever made them did a good job." It was a small victory for me. Thanks sista!

Anywho, the story from this week is a munchkin one. Al was teaching in SS then he spoke in Sacrament. This meant I had Andi all three hours and both girls durring Sacrament....alone!
After an exhausting meeting I was plucking myself (and all of the accompanying regurgitated snack food) from the pew when several of the folks from the pew walked past and conveyed their condolences, er respect, or something. One sister said she would no longer congradulate people on having daughters because of their ease, as my children had every bit as much energy as her boys ever had. It may be funny, but it was such a nice compliment! It's so easy to feel like your kids are nuts and you should just resign yourself to anarchy, but knowing that others understand makes it so much easier. Now, don't get me wrong, my kids are great. Tenna is so polite and well behaved for a two year old, but she really is so energetic (even the nursery leaders comment on this phenomenon of good behavior and energy). I know these will be fantastic memories, but man, I think I may need an epi pen (for me) and tranquilizers (for the girls) to get through church if they ever make Albert speak again!
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Saturday, December 15, 2007

A new look and a new Camera

Tenna had her second big haircupt a few days ago. I have been promising Aunt Sarah pictures, and now that we have a new camera for me to goof around with I can put some up. We have the hair(and camera) before pic, then the after (for both). I am still learning how to take pictures, so forgive my mishaps. The Jelly turned out well though, I thought. We'll get there! Oh, and a bonus pic of Andi, to be fair!

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Friday, December 14, 2007

Hot thoughts your way

Tonight I was enjoying some me time, re-processing some pepper jelly that didn't gel and making marmalade. I love, Love, LOVE Toad the wet Sprocket and Dashboard Confessionals, so they accompanied me tonight. A line from a Toad song really struck me..."Take all the dreams that should have died, the ones that kept you lying awake, when you should have been alright, and throw them all away." Some times I feel so lost, living a life that I never dreamed for myself. I often ask myself why I can feel so restless doing something so much more fulfilling than what I had planned. I think it comes down to that line...sometimes we need to forget the dreams that weren't meant to be and realize the power of the ones we are living. My heart would break without my family and friends, but I'm pretty sure I would get over a job change or a poor grade. I am grateful that there are so many people helping me to stay home and raise my babies. I am grateful for everyone who randomly calls me/e-mails, etc...sometimes we need to feel that connection to people, because that is what really brings us joy.
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Sunday, December 09, 2007

Cleaning is NOT a craft...

...but organization can be an art! Anyone who has ever been married, had roommates, pets, friends, siblings or cell mates...or sorry I dozed off...anyways if you have been in any of these situations you know there is sometimes a need to justify your time with the amount of cleaning that is done. Well I am here to tell you is NOT a craft. It does not count as "free time," "down time," or least of all "fun time." Now, I am not saying that Al has EVER said anything like that (he wouldn't dare, I lift weights). This has all stemmed from my internal dialogs, which tend to be quite extensive. Through my temporal mastications I have decided that I need to spend some time learning the art of organization so I can cut down on the drudgery of cleaning. I am fishing for YOUR favorite organizational gadgets and tricks to inspire me on my path.
*Note: Anyone who knows me well surely knows I am VERY poor at organizing, so no suggestion is too elementary for me!*

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Worth a thousand words...

...but let me add a few anyways.
This is not how I found this situation, but Tenna knew she wasn't exactly "doing the ideal," so she was hesitant to return to her state of mischief. A few points; when I left the room she still had her pants on, when I came back she was crushing cracker (that she had found in the cupboard in the kitchen) with her pretty new shoes. For some reason the need to remove her pants to do this just caught my funny bone.
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No secrets with a toddler...

Tenna is becoming so aware of her body (particularly it's functions) and what is going on around her. She is supporting the writer strike with one of her own, only hers is a potty strike. I am convinced that she is fully aware of her rebellion, so am having a hard time finding sympathy. I have tried bribery with yogo's, horse stickers, exhuberant praise, etc to no avail. No, instead she giggles and grins when she hears "darts," (farts), and smirks knowingly at the part in Dr. Seuss's pale green pants story when the little dude touches the pale green pants on the bum. *sigh* I know I am a silly mother, so she comes by it honestly, but I am at a loss with this potty stuff! I think I am going bananas!