Monday, June 29, 2009

Take me to your leader


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The girls had a great time being kittens with some string and feathers. Why do we buy the kids toys anyways? This held Andi's attention for days!



And here is our inspiration...we adopted this little lady. She is now spayed, though not before she had a litter of kittens. Oh the joy of stray cats. She really is sweet. Her name is "mama," which can be really funny when she get's in trouble. The girls were wandering around today saying "mama is busted!"

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Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Tummy time is together time


The girls really do love their little brother. I am just amazed at how sweet they are with him. I am grateful with how well they play with eachother as well. I have had a lot of help, so maybe I can't say, but I think going from 2 to 3 is easier than going from 1 to 2. The girls keep eachother entertained a lot more than I expected.


Little man is still going strong and proving his prowess. At 3 weeks he was 10lbs 5ozs! He is just getting big so fast!


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