I finally feel like I can poke my head above the water. Here is a recap of the past month. I finally did it. I cut Andi's hair. Really. No whimpy trim, a real cut. She hated having her hair brushed and it was so fine so it always had a big nest in the back. I don't have a good after pic, just her and Lee being presents under the tree.
Tenna was too busy pouting to be in the picture. That is pretty common right now. I think she is working very hard to assert her 4 year old independance. *sigh* All the kids were very excited to set up the Christmas tree. Gramma J keeps bringing more ornaments, so our tree looks quite fun and decorated now.
The girls were helping me put groceries away one day when they had this fabulous idea. Apparently every royal throne needs some canned veggie towers next to it. I dunno, maybe they are torches, but this is the throne. They even put off eating their popcorn balls to keep them as decorations!
And for Mr. man. He is doing better every day. He has been sick, sick, sick. He now weights less than he did a month ago. All the kids (and I) have had pink eye. He is jsut getting over an ear infection and bronchitis. That sucked. I admit the girls spoiled me. When they are sick they just want to be treated and left alone to sleep. He wanted to be held. It was great snuggle time, but I am pretty sure they could have admitted me for mental testing after that much sleep deprivation. Anyways, thank you antibiotics, I love you! Note: if you put ear numbing drops in your baby's ears, make sure they soak in before kissin' on his face...my lips were numb for and hour.