Friday, September 01, 2006

Some big updates!

Introducing Andilyn! Andilyn was born on August 24th, 2006! She was 6lbs 15ozs and 20 inches long. She suprised us all a little bit. We checked into the hospital, and I was only dialated to a five, so we thought we had plenty of time. About an hour later as I was relaxing in the tub I realized that she was coming NOW! Albert tried to ring the nurse, but no one had plugged out call button in, so he ran out to the hall and called for help. He ran back in just in time to see her head! The midwife barely made it back in to officially "catch" and we had a beautiful baby girl! It is so fun seeing how she and Tenna are the same and different. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

YEAH!!!! congrats, WOW, look at all that hair

Anonymous said...

I didn't realize I could make comments here, or maybe I realized it and just forgot that I realized it. I am glad your blog is up and runnign again so I can see your cute girls. amy