Friday, January 19, 2007

Tenna's new "weewee"

It has been too cold the past few WEEKS to go outside and play on our new swing, so Tenna has to get creative. The "learning tower," is her new "weewee." She just holds herself up in the corner and swings her legs back and forth. Not bad, I must say. I am sure glad that thing is so stable.
I missed the best camera opp today too. Andi was laying on the floor on her back and Tenna came and laid down between her legs and put her head on Andi's tummy. The both giggled and squeeled for quite some time while playing with eachothers hair, tickling, etc...ah that is what having children is all about! Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

QueenScarlett said...

heheheh - so the title pops up before the photo - so I was like... what? A WEE WEE?? HUH? And...then I saw the picture and went... oh.... phew! hehehe Chris used to slide down the couches as a baby and called it a "woo woo"... so my dad built a BIG slide... or a "WOO WOO" in our basement when we lived in Utah... that was a cool basement.