Saturday, September 29, 2007

Andi's turn

Time to talk about Andi....She had been such a little ham this week. Her favorite thing is to pull herself up on your leg then let go and throw her arms over her head with a look of triumph! Look I can stand! Then carefully sit down before she falls ;)
We had a suprise today...SNOW! The forecast called for rain and 58 degrees, instead the snow came and began to stick after an hour or two. When Andi went down for her nap Tenna and I headed out back to pick the remaining tomatoes and squash. She looked so cute in her alpaca (sp?) sweater that her daddy bought for her in Equador....I wish I had thought to get her in the photo...sigh. She only lasted about 5 minutes then her hands were "way cold," so she went back inside.
Andi LOVES being a girl. She particularly enjoys accesori-bling. I never knew you could get a kid to keep glasses and hats on without rubberbands and super glue, but styl is her adhesive! She is quite pleased with her little scarf here.
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Sunday, September 23, 2007

A good day

I must admit, most of the stories today are about Tenna, but I guess it's all ebb and flow.
So first of all I would like to let you all know that there is still some California girl left in me, and I am passing it on. Tenna is in the habit of saying "way," a lot. Things like "way cold," "way sad," et.c
Since it is Sunday I have to share her Sacrament story. When the Sacrament starts it is always difficult to keep kids relaxed and quiet, so we talk about Jesus and how nice he is etc. We discuss the bread and water and how it helps us remember Him. Well today she must have got it in her head that He is the one passing it out, because right after eating the bread she says (thankfully in something of a reverent tone) "thank you Jesus," then proceeds to say hi to the young man refering to him in kind. We had to explain that one a little to her, but I thought it was so cutet.
The pictures are from a little drive we took up to Huntington resevoir this evening. It was off and on rainy, but the girls enjoyed it.

Tenna and daddy played "throw it," for a while (throwing rocks into the water) until they were quite wet. Andi and I walked around a bit then I let her "drive," until they came back. The colors up the canyon are stunning, though only starting to turn. The smell of rotting leaves was like a cup of hot apple cider. I couldn't believe what a sweet smell there was up there out of the city. *le sigh*
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Sunday, September 16, 2007

Oh yeah

I am bad about copyright stuff. The basic pattern for the icecream cone is from this months edition of crochet today!
I had to put this pic up of Andi in her new favorite toy. We bought this as a kiddie pool, but it has grown cooler, so it is the ball box. She will entertain herself for a half hour in this thing (which is fantastic for a 12 month-old). So fun! Tenna will even sit in the lid and they will throw balls back and forth.
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Thursday, September 06, 2007

Let's be honest ladies!

A picture is worth a thousand words!!! Well, anyways. I would like to dedicate this post to all of the WONDERFUL women who's blogs I read. I would also like to dedicate it to those who read this and have no blogs YET(ie. Amy, get on that would you!)
While conversing with a friend I realized that there is too much of the sunny side of my life on here. I have decided to put on a realistic post and would love to see some of your days too. Grantid, I know some of you really ARE super-mom of the aeon, but I am not, so here goes....keep in mind it is not yet 2pm...

Bad mom! You...

1. ...gave Andi (12mos.) chocolate ice cream after breakfast! Why? Oh because you were too busy doing dishes and didn't catch her when she fell and cut her lip. Hey you need something to reduce swelling.
2. ...gave Tenna a starburst after giving Andi ice cream, because it only seemed fair.
3. ...took Tenna outside in your pajamas and worked in the garden (in her pajamas too).
4. ...let Andi push the power button on the TV about a humdered times (shhhhh don't tell albert.)
5. ...are sitting on the computer instead of cleaning!
6. ... are not going to make it to the gym today!

Good mom! You...
1. ... had whole wheat bleander pancakes with fresh honedew mellon for breakfast.
2. ...are going to snack on toasted chickpeas and fresh tomatoes at the park today.
3. ...finally finished the crocheted (how do you write that??) icecream cone.
4. ...going to teach your visiting teachee how to can tonight.
5. ...did dishes. Again.
6. ...are going to go back to cleaning now! ;) And hang your laundry to dry.

Thanks, I feel much better. Sometimes it is nice to realize it isn't all bad!
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