Saturday, September 29, 2007

Andi's turn

Time to talk about Andi....She had been such a little ham this week. Her favorite thing is to pull herself up on your leg then let go and throw her arms over her head with a look of triumph! Look I can stand! Then carefully sit down before she falls ;)
We had a suprise today...SNOW! The forecast called for rain and 58 degrees, instead the snow came and began to stick after an hour or two. When Andi went down for her nap Tenna and I headed out back to pick the remaining tomatoes and squash. She looked so cute in her alpaca (sp?) sweater that her daddy bought for her in Equador....I wish I had thought to get her in the photo...sigh. She only lasted about 5 minutes then her hands were "way cold," so she went back inside.
Andi LOVES being a girl. She particularly enjoys accesori-bling. I never knew you could get a kid to keep glasses and hats on without rubberbands and super glue, but styl is her adhesive! She is quite pleased with her little scarf here.
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Amy said...

so the real question is did you cover your tomatoes. or have you had enough of them.

DC Roses said...

I love the "way cold" quote. That is so cute. A little California girl at heart. Logan says "nice and...
like "nice and warm" or "nice and soft" or nice and yummy" etc.
I love your blog. Good job gardening and crafting etc. etc. etc. I'm so proud of you! Quite domestic.