Tonight I was enjoying some me time, re-processing some pepper jelly that didn't gel and making marmalade. I love, Love, LOVE Toad the wet Sprocket and Dashboard Confessionals, so they accompanied me tonight. A line from a Toad song really struck me..."Take all the dreams that should have died, the ones that kept you lying awake, when you should have been alright, and throw them all away." Some times I feel so lost, living a life that I never dreamed for myself. I often ask myself why I can feel so restless doing something so much more fulfilling than what I had planned. I think it comes down to that line...sometimes we need to forget the dreams that weren't meant to be and realize the power of the ones we are living. My heart would break without my family and friends, but I'm pretty sure I would get over a job change or a poor grade. I am grateful that there are so many people helping me to stay home and raise my babies. I am grateful for everyone who randomly calls me/e-mails, etc...sometimes we need to feel that connection to people, because that is what really brings us joy.

Absolutely, perfectly... well said. Plus... you are so talented. I so admire you.
You are such a sweetheart Scarlett, I am so glad that I have you as a friend, and fierce defender of the right to be a mom! Thanks for the comments, always!
I know exactly how you feel. Thanks for the new perspective Pammy.
By the way, ditto what QS said, you are SUPER talented!
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