Sunday, December 23, 2007


I am feeling a bit violated. Despite my "mama bear," exterior I hate, loathe, and, admittedly fear, spiders. Most of the spiders and I have come to a truce in this half century old house. I told them that if I see ample evidence in their webs that they are eating their share of bugs I will allow them a short respite from the hard life outdoors. There are a few hard luck cases that I have little sympathy for, however. This little man gets no meal tickets for hanging out on my couch, where my children play...He was so rude about his capture too! I had no idea how agresive these guys were! Maybe he is angry because I killed his girlfriend this summer (she was hitchin' a ride on the lawnmower). I think he should thank me for taking care of her before she took care of him! I guess I am just further evidence that women don't know what to do with men of this type, catch 'em or kill 'em.
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QueenScarlett said...

Before kids I had this irrational idea that if I left dead carcasses of them around that they'd know NOT to come harass me. No such luck.

I'm with you... I hate spiders... and even more so when they happen upon where my kids venture...which is everywhere. ;-)

DC Roses said...

YIKES!!! I hate spiders! You are one brave mama! How scary to have such dangerous ones where your kids play. I hope you post more cute pictures of your girlies soon because your blog gives me the willies with that spider front and center. :-)