Thursday, January 31, 2008

Bobbing for terds...sigh...


Who me? No I wouldn't do that.


*Sardonic laugheter* 'twas I!


See told ya. You just wait to see what I can bring.

So yes, can you tell, it has been a dark day in the Noyes bathroom. There is nothing like children laughing and playing well to bring a chill to a moms heart...when it is in the bathroom. I put the girls in the tub and left to the next room to get pj's. The girls were both laughing hysterically so at least I knew neither one was holding the others head under the water. I come back to find that Tenna is drinking water and spitting it at Andi. Hmmm...not the ideal, but I will pretend I didn't see it so I can take something out of the oven.
Not one minute later I re-enter the bathroom to the same game, but the scene has changed. There are now little brown party favors floating in the water. Needless to say I was a bit distressed, and when mama is distressed....Tenna, in dismay at ahving been in a tub with poo, began to chastize Andi for her lack of sanitary consideration.
Both girls were expeditously removed from the tub, then opportunity costs had to be considered. Do I....
1. Get the girls dresses? (Now is one of those times that I could easily be put upon to overlook my abhorence for anti-bacterial lotion. Curse my rotten micro class for so many reasons.)
2. Fish to poop our of the tub before it softens into mush.

I foolishly chose to get Andi dressed then fish out the poo. Somehow Karma smiled on me and Tenna didn't find a warm heating vent to poop on while she ran around naked. People with kids know that the defiaction-urge is just as contagous as that of yawning. I guess all in all it wasn't that bad. Maybe I should just let them try to eat poo and let them get it out of their system, but I still care a little too much for that. I will say that while I have been writing this post I have had to get up 9 times (the kids are in bed mind you) to supply meat (I don't know why I think meat is less likely to rot their teeth out if they eat it after brushing) or re-dress Andi (she does love to take her clothes off). And I won't even say how I got the poop out of the tub...
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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Thanks GG Dadds!


GG Dadds sent us a CD of big band music he had made. Andi loves to stand and dance to the tunes, but she isn't quite as energetic about it as Tenna, so big sis gets the pictures.

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Sunday, January 27, 2008

Paint yet?


These fabulous stools were made for my sister and I by my Grandpa. The girls absolutely love them, but they have not been treated with the loving gentility a deserved over the years. We decided to paint them with the leftover paint from the girls room. The moment I mentioned painting Tenna was way into it. So here we go!
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Prep work!


Tenna had been helping me sand before her nap. While she was sleeping Andi and I finished the job.


Andi is such a great helper! Can't you tell?
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We had a good old time getting messy!


Here are the final results!
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Just can't get enough


More painting with daddy! This was post-bath. I am jsut grateful for washable paint! Andi was hiding her body art by ony painting on the side of her face that daddy couldn't see. I can't wait until high school!
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We made jewelry for Young Womens this week and when the girls saw me wearing a bracelet the next day they HAD to have "pretties," of their own. So I made these for them, and one with similar beads for myself so we all match. Needles to say they are pleased, and yes, they are turning into little ladies despite me!
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Friday, January 25, 2008

Big potty moments


Seeing as how Tenna is potty training Andi wants in on the action. She actually does pretty well. This picture is to record her first poop on the potty! Yeah...we are going to have to keep this up so maybe she can train more easily. She is just so excited when she puts something in the potty!
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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Pudding Painting!


My little helpers made pudding paint with me today, so we decided to try out the smocks that Aunt Nicole made us for Christmas!


The girls loved it! There was only one down side....


The water main burst right outside out house to we didn't have any water to take a bath or do dishes when we were done! Doh!
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Art Teacher


Tenna is enjoying the pudding paints as well...though she is a big girl and needs to pass on her art skills....


To puppies!

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Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Ok, so I will admit it...I am begining to like the hair more. Please everyone forgive my for my angry ranting and give thanks with me for the power of disulfide bonds!
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ALL women will understand....

...the deep depression that hits when something catastrophic happens to your hair. Ok, so this is MUCH better than it looked right after I got home, but let me start from the begining.
I have been looking into a good hairstyle (with little effort) for a square (need I say MANLY) jawline like my own. Upon seeing this picture of Keira, I was convinced! I know I look just like her so I figured it would work great (oh, not convinced? next time I will do heroin eye-liner and will will see the resemblance much better, I promise).
I called the nearest thing I have to a fashionista, Sarah, and was told that this is a BODY WAVE. Wonder of wonders, I must have it! So my loving husband takes the wild poo monkeys for three hours while I become a movie star.
Little did we know I would be coming home poodle. Ok, so I really should have take pictures yesterday after that it had been fro-ed by the stylist, then you could really sense the dread. Apparently I still don't like it enough to even smile.
Albert was very nice and said "it make you look girlie, er, femenine, I like it." To which I responded "you are going the right way for a punch in the face and lips!" So I had to call a girl and comiserate...boys don't get it....yes, it will grow out, but not for a while. I figure I can always shave it, I just have to decide if I want to show support for the 80's(leave it and pic it) or race for the cure(bic it) decide.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Do you need some motivation?

Sometimes I think that the powers that be are helping me get things done. Here are some tips of things you can do to increase your motivation to get things done!
Do you need to deep clean your bathroom? Just let your two year old flush it with her magical fingers of mischief, then as you see the toilet begin to over flow, ignore it. Also, make sure you ignore the nagging reminder that you need to fix the little floaty thing that turns the water off when the tank is full, this will allow the water to continue flowing from your tank for a little longer. Keep in mind, this motivation to DEEP clean the bathroom only works if you have a vivid imagination and can envision the little poo particles floating around on your bathroom floor.

Do you need to take a shower? I did, it had been a few days....well all you ahve to do is walk around in the above bathroom in bare feet while you are cleaning it up, note the poo particle thing again. SPECIAL NOTE: Since your towel is the only one that actually gets put back in the bathroom you may want to use a new that is the one your used to stem the flow of potty water and bum funk.

Do you need to mop the ENTIRE HOUSE? Before you get to the shower just make sure you have to chase half-naked children around the house, then, once again, imagine poo particles.

Need to have a relaxing shower? Put the kids in the same room for naps....yes that is them you hear giggling, but who cares, they are happy right! Plus this way your shower won't cut into precious nap time!

Need quality time with a one year old? Jack Johnson on the iPod...see photo. Sweet!

Need to blog? Just stick the "puppy houses," (cardboard boxes with foam flowers) in the livivng room and ignore all noises while you blog. Then when your two year old comes in and puts diaper cream on your face and has lots of "darts(farts)" run her to the potty, to no avail....don't worry, she will hold it until she can poop in her pants. Cari (name has been changed for the sake of the innocent) is going to hate me some day for flinging poopy slander about her all over the internet!
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Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Love the internet!

This is from some of our gift cert from Gpa Ohler. It's really fun to have some Christmas shopping to do after Christmas and receive packages for a month or so! The girls love dinosaur books...can you tell?
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Saturday, January 12, 2008

Dinner and a Movie!

I may as well admit right off...yes...they are eating in front of the TV. Yes...they are eating ramen, but it is SPECIAL ramen. No, I did NOT add vegetables! Nicole sent me some fab sauce that the girls love, this makes "honey loodels," as Tenna calls them. She asks Rabbit (me) to please make honey looodles for lunch, so I did(ok second lunch, their first lunch really was much healthier). The "loodles," MUST then be consumed withtthe hands in the manner pictured so she can be like Pooh bear eating honey. Daddy said "party food," and in went Meet the Robinsons! So lazy, but fun! We ended up playing most of the time anywho. One thing though, we learned that we need to get some big band stuff, Andy couldn't help dancing when the frogs were on singing, and she kept going for about ten minutes after they stopped!
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More.... from a lazy Saturday!
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Friday, January 11, 2008

Thoughts from a mom

I chose these two pictures because they seem to epitomize my days for the past little while....everything starts out fresh. Sweet smells fill the air and each moment is pregnant with expectation for great results. Then life happens and by the end of it all there is a strange odor and brown stuff to clean up. Ok, so slightly burnt cinnamon rolls aren't an exact parallel for potty training, but it works, and they are the result of it!
I am glad that I never really grew out of the "potty-humor," stage. I think it helps me cope much more. I am beginning to see the progression of potty reality that has slowly been sneaking up on me. It all began while I was pregnant with Tenna and the lady upstairs came down to borrow bleach as her three-year-old son had pooped in the tub....again. If I had only known! Well, ok, I know I would have still had the kids, and I do still want more, however, I think potty training boot camp would be highly marketable.
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Sunday, January 06, 2008

Snowy Sunday

We had a beautiful snowy day today. Everyone besides Albert had colds today so we hung out at home and watched the snow pile up.
We also practiced some winter camping skills. Ok really, not, we would have died with these kind of acomidations!
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