Sunday, February 03, 2008

For my sistas


So this picture is for Sarah (who is so jelous of our snow, not) and Nicole (who got a snow day for church yesterday becaus of 3-4 inches). We have had about 13-15 inces in the last 24 (on top of the foot we had sitting on our lawn before this storm) hours and it is still going. Nice storm huh?
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Michelle Weiss said...

And that is why I live in California. :)

PamNoyes said...

Hahaha touche!

Sarah Bogh said...

Emphasize the NOT part of that statement!! to echo the other commentor, that is why i live in Vegas!! :) that is amazing though i am very impressed with the amount of snow you have that is pretty cool! or COLD!!!

Anonymous said...

I am jealous. I truly miss the snow.

The Powells said...

When is it going to end?!?!?! So just because we didn't have a big winter last doesn't mean we have to have a HUGE one this year...or does it!! Im soooo sick of it

soybeanlover said...

send some over here!

Sarah Bogh said...

it will be soooo good to have all that moisture this summer!! maybe the firefighters and farmers will finally get a break and not have to stress so much!!