Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Andileena Jolie


No, this is not a botched attempt at lip enhancement, though we could probably compare the pic to a few celebs of late. Andi and Tenna having their typical pre-nap giggle fest, when I noticed that Andi's voice seemd a little louder than it should be if she were in her crib. I ignored this, thinking "you are sure a crazy mom, you are way too anal." Well I should have listened to that little clue and gone in because the next minute I hear a loud clunk and a very scary little cry. I ran in to find Andi laying on her face and Tenna standing over her trying to help her. I scooped her up for an inspection. I was comforted by her bawling, so I asked Tenna where she had fallen from....I don't think she understood. So I don't know if she used her flexibility to heft herself over the crib or if she had climbed onto the dresser, but luckily, all she suffered is a fat lip. Oy, kids this age just think they are ready for way more adventures than they are!
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The Powells said...

poor little thing...good things kids recover so fast, they are blessed little ones thats for sure

chelsea said...

oh that makes my heart sad... poor little thing!

Sarah Bogh said...

oh that is so sad but so cute at the same time!! give her some love from aunt sarah for me k!!