Monday, June 30, 2008

What a week!


Girls camp was great. The MS ride was fine, the only ramifications from too little training are some very sore ischeal tuberosities. We are VERY glad to be home with our girls! I am so grateful that they were so well cared for! Yes, that is oreo you see on their faces, we had to make them glad to see us some how.

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Saturday, June 21, 2008

Why I am TIRED!!!


First of all, sorry for being off the blog scene for a while. My dad changed ISP's so it took a while for me to figure my end out. Sarah, these posts are for you! (BTW you should read the comment above your on the whipped cream post, it is directed, partially, at you!)
Back to the picture at hand. Andi has been going through the "I need mommy ever waking (or even borderline waking) moment of my life," stage. I started to get a bit tired so I just pulled her into bed with us, but it didn't help us get much rest. Al usually ended up on the couch! The pic is a prime example of her wiggleness. I put her into bed perpendicular to the one shown. She was neatly tucked into the cover and oh so peaceful....oh contraire! This is how she ends up kicking Albert in the fast while managing to gouge my eyes out at the same time. Luckily I was granted a reprieve last night, maybe it'sbecause we hire our first teenage babysitter EVER yesterday and she loved it so she doesn't feel like she needs me? That is a bit sad, but I am happy to have sleep time back to myself!
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Check check

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Thursday, June 12, 2008

Because I couldn't bring myself to post....

a picture of my poor sweet Andi! She has had a bad two days! She had a 24 hour stomach bug (and parental sleep deprivation test), then she had a major head bonk tonight. Oy! I just couldn't take a picture because she is so cute and sad. I can't tell what in the world happened to her ear, but she keeps touching it and she let me put neosporin on it. Maybe I will be able to look at it tomorrow when all swelling has decreased.
In other news, Tenna is a dressglut right now. She must be wearing a dress at all times. Tonight she was resisting bed so around 9:30 I go in and she is naked and wants to put on a dress. I finally get her to compromise and wear a dress OVER her pajamas. My kids!
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Sunday, June 08, 2008

Fun with whipped cream

Well Grandma Miller came over and brought us a half gallon of whipping cream so, of course, it was time or crepes! The girls ate some of the savory crepes, but when the dessert crepes came out all they wanted was the cream and strawberries!
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Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Princess lessons


Tenna was teaching Andi how to curtsie. It's hard work, Andi lost interest though.
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After dancing the girls decided it would be fun to have a game of chase. Andi would follow Tenna around calling "wait princess." It reminds me of earlier this week when Tenna and Al were playing chase. She couldn't quite catch him so in exasperation she yells "I have tiny legs!"
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Tired princess

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Sunday, June 01, 2008

Something Tenna is working on...

I shall only say that blueberry throw up is not beautiful, but it is a good thing my kids will do anything to get every last bit out of their bowls. Tenna was preparing for a role in a new movie as....

The Joker! Creepy huh?
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