Thursday, June 12, 2008

Because I couldn't bring myself to post....

a picture of my poor sweet Andi! She has had a bad two days! She had a 24 hour stomach bug (and parental sleep deprivation test), then she had a major head bonk tonight. Oy! I just couldn't take a picture because she is so cute and sad. I can't tell what in the world happened to her ear, but she keeps touching it and she let me put neosporin on it. Maybe I will be able to look at it tomorrow when all swelling has decreased.
In other news, Tenna is a dressglut right now. She must be wearing a dress at all times. Tonight she was resisting bed so around 9:30 I go in and she is naked and wants to put on a dress. I finally get her to compromise and wear a dress OVER her pajamas. My kids!
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1 comment:

The Powells said...

its funny how little girls are. ky wants to dress herself (in dresses yes) and do everything almost age 2!! your girls and mine are so funny