Saturday, October 04, 2008


Everyone seems to be posting fall pictures. I would love to have some wonderful pics in the changing leaves, but the first joy of fall to me is dinner in a pumpkin. Unfotunately this was the WORST dinner in a pumpkin ever, so I was the only one that choked some down. Hey, at least it is raining.
In other news, Andi is an amazing potty training girl! I really wanted to wait until after our road trip with Grandma, but she is adamant, and quite good too! I say that after having to pull my hair out with Tenna. She actually notices when she is wet, and will tell me when she has to go. That being said, I did catch her peeing on the wall while waiting her turn on the potty, at least she took her clothes of first, right?
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Amy B said...

Albert didnt' eat it- I thought he ate almost anything-

PamNoyes said...

Um Amy, he eats everything at YOUR house...maybe you should send me some recipes....

Heidi said...

Oh the sorrows of only having one bathroom. But I certainly hope Andi is easier. Hope you guys are taking it easy and feeling better!

Michelle Weiss said...

What is dinner in a pumpkin?

lacieinthesky said...

That's hilarious about Andi, and I'm sorry about your can always just go back to good ole' Raman noodles, you know!