Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The haircut


Tenna loves having long hair, "like Barbie." Unfortunately she got a hold of my scissors yesterday while I was in the potty helping Andi. She cut a few chunks from the front, so I decided we needed to fix it.


So we cut her beautiful hair. I was cleaning up and FOOLISHLY left the scissors within her grasp! I was silly enough to think she was actually watching the movie. She is totally going to work for the CIA, she is so attentive.


So NOW, she has bangs, and a strange gap on the side of her head that I don't know WHAT to do with. Do I take her to a real salon and get her hair layered? Do I ignore the gap? What do you think?
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Michelle Weiss said...

Don't all little kids do that at some point in time?

Sarah Bogh said...

oh i'm so super sad!!! i didn't know you were going to have to cut that much off! i LOVE her hair, it still is beautiful short though so its ok. :) you could just see if pam will layer it when you come to lyman. i don't know who would be cheaper a salon or her???? tell her i like her due, it looks like mine. :)

Amy B said...

I would just leave it- it will grow out and it really isn't that bad- zoo on thursday?

soybeanlover said...

agreed. If she doesn't care, don't worry about it. Let her deal with a bit of the consequences of her actions =).

soybeanlover said...

oh and that last picture totally reminds me of you 24 years ago!

Andie said...

My friend Rachael is a hairdresser, and does it at her house. Her daughter did the exact same thing to her hair but it actually ended up so cute after Rachael worked her magic. If you want her # I'd be happy to give it to ya. But Tenna is gunna be cute whether you decide to leave it or not.

*tif* said...

I don't think it matters what you do to her hair because she's adorable. You could probably shave her head bald and she'd still be just as cute! I am sorry to hear that you had to cut it though because it's so sad to say goodbye to the long hair of a little girl.

Anonymous said...

I think you did a great job, very cute. Oh yeah, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!

Richelle Gutierrez said...

I say leave it, it'll grow out then the ends will need a trim and you can have layers put in then. That's what happened with Laurel! I think you did a good job!