Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I have a patient husband...


who knows that I have to have some project(s) to devote myself to or I will go crazy. So he allows me to overrun the kitchen with my starts. He even tries to make me feel better about it by telling me how much he appreciates that the girls are being exposed to how things grow, and where we get our food.


The longer I live the more I see how much we can learn from the simple things, like; planting a garden, figuring out your favorite whole wheat bread recipe, or the smell of sun dried clothes. I am so grateful for this time that Albert has been in school and we have had to live more frugally. I can't imagine how much I would be missing out on if I hadn't tried gardening, or crochet, or any of the other things that felt like neccesity at the time. So, believe what you may, a higher power, Karma, a Father in Heaven (as I do) but there is a reason for the experiences we have. And to quote an amazing woman "Life doesn't have to be perfect in order to be wonderful."
Yes, I am feeling a bit philisophical today, don't worry it will pass ;)

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Monday, March 30, 2009

Our home was not made for fatties


The girls and I are going stir crazy now that the snow and cold are back. Sigh. They donned their dress jammies (which I made at the beginning of winter and are finally getting close to fitting) and played pretend all day. I have received a lot of comments recently on how creative they are at play. At the doctors office they pretend the chairs are a tunnel and crawl under them. Then they are a train and they get the other kids to join in. It is very interestng to see which moms are ok with their kids doing this kind of thing. I am glad my kids are imaginative and I hope I can be pretty open about allowing creative play...this morning I couldn't even get them to eat before they were princesses and needed a prince to save them. Good thing we decided dragons are tasty and easy to eat.
That brings me to my post title...the kids are so distracted recently when it comes to eating. It's no wonder they are skinny like their daddy, they have the same concentration issues at the dinner table! I, on the other hand, continue to expand and the house is starting to tell me about it. We have a few loose floor areas that groan and shake every time I walk over them. The couch is beginning to sag in the middle (for which only I am to blame...I sleep on it while preggo). Andi's bed is in severe distress every time I sit on it to sooth her at night. I can't wait to have a little baby and be able to whip myself back into shape. I am tired of my houses complaining.

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Saturday, March 21, 2009

Daddy's Spring Break


I have been bad at blogging recently. I decided it is due to the fact that I am adjusting to the idea of adding another person to my life. I am selfishly hording my time with my family (when it isn't taken up by other demands) and I just don't feel like sharing it on the internet.
The girls are going through a wishing phase. When they see something they like the say something like:
"I whish I had a cookie," or "I wish I was a monkey." It just makes me laugh.
We were in Costco the other day when Tenna saw cocoa puffs. She asked for some, and since I don't buy sugar cereal the answer was "let's find something else." Well it was tired time and she had a melt down. She informed us that she wanted a new family, one that will be nice to her. Yup, I am just getting ready for the teenage years.
The girls were at a friends house while I was in a meeting. This friend has two little boys. Andi decided to strip to her birthday suit and give a little show. She may have been saying she wanted to go home te whole time, but she couldn't have been that unconfortable if she would streak, right?


Al has been working and relaxing all week. He fixed the tiller and tilled my garden today! I am so excited! I tried to capture the fact that Andi was yelling at him for being too loud while he was working, but you probably can't tell. There is just something about seeing my man in a cowboy hat and leather gloves that makes me content. He's even nice enough to ask me to bring him water so he doesn't track mud into the house. Now, that's a man.
So yeah, there you go. Some day I should give you a synopsis of our crazy Sunday then you won't be so jealous of our simple life. ;)


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Thursday, March 12, 2009

Growing things

I do Joy School with a friend in the ward and the section I have been teaching is the joys of nature. Spring is approaching, so it is easy for me to get into the mood. My tomato starts are doing well, and I finally have my first artichoke start poking out. My Grandmother sent me quite a few seeds last year that I didn't have time to get in the ground, but they are starting quite well this year. So my starts from 2 weeks ago:
Sun Gold tomato
This week:
Round one: Little marvel peas
Round one: Tri-color bush beans
I really need to just get a flat of those little jiffy pellets to start more flowers. I want to have hollyhocks, columbines, peonys and some cone flowers started. Can you tell I am a little excited?

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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Happy Birthday Tenna!


Yes, my Tenna is four years old today! She has been anticipating this day for a long time. She received many ponies and cards that just made her day, or week! It is always fun to have a spread out celebration so I wanted to say thank you to all of the family that has made this birthday so fun for her. I think she is very satisfied.
I can see how much she has grown this year and I am a little sad to see it go, but then again 3 kicked my keester. I can't wait to see what 4 has in store!

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Round 3


Grandma and Grandpa Jay came over this afternoon to have dinner and go bowling. I tried to convince Tenna to go to the bouncing place, but I let her make the choice. Grandma (bless her) got a huge workout since Grandpa and I weren't bowling. The girls had fun, though Tenna smashed her finger, so maybe she will stop pestering me to go bowling? Oh did I mention that Tenna got a strike her first frame? (Ignore the bumpers and the push from Grandma)

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Is for fun

Yeah, we are still working on the posed smile.

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Round one


On Sunday the Noyes Clan came up to help us celebrate Tenna's birthday. I just had to put these pictures up for Al. He thought it was perfect that Andi was eating daintily with her fork and Tenna was gobbling the food down. They have very different personalities, but I can sure see what good friends they have become. Tenna has even been sharing some (yes, SOME) of her presents with her sis. Oh yes, and a very appropriate belly pic, mmmm cake.


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Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Happy B-day Sis!

I hope you are having a good day! It's a big one! ;)

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Tuesday, March 03, 2009

The weather is taunting me


It was a glorious day that reached the mid 60's! We went to pre-school at our friends house and she had her little seed starts out and her garden tilled. Oh I am so anxious for spring! We spent a lot of time outside today, swinging, cleaning the garden, and making vitamin D to our hearts content.
So a few comments seem to show that I am really bad at explaining things. The prob with little man is that I have Rh- blood and he has Rh+ blood. My immune system has decided that he is a threat, however, my response so far is very low. I met with the perinatologist today, and he is not worried. I just get extra blood tests and extra ultrasounds at this point. Little man looks awsome, growing faster and faster. He is now 3.5 pounds and almost two weeks ahead. I hope that just means he will be big, not early....I need to get my garden in!

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