Thursday, March 12, 2009

Growing things

I do Joy School with a friend in the ward and the section I have been teaching is the joys of nature. Spring is approaching, so it is easy for me to get into the mood. My tomato starts are doing well, and I finally have my first artichoke start poking out. My Grandmother sent me quite a few seeds last year that I didn't have time to get in the ground, but they are starting quite well this year. So my starts from 2 weeks ago:
Sun Gold tomato
This week:
Round one: Little marvel peas
Round one: Tri-color bush beans
I really need to just get a flat of those little jiffy pellets to start more flowers. I want to have hollyhocks, columbines, peonys and some cone flowers started. Can you tell I am a little excited?

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1 comment:

Amy B said...

You are too good!