Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Tummy time is together time


The girls really do love their little brother. I am just amazed at how sweet they are with him. I am grateful with how well they play with eachother as well. I have had a lot of help, so maybe I can't say, but I think going from 2 to 3 is easier than going from 1 to 2. The girls keep eachother entertained a lot more than I expected.


Little man is still going strong and proving his prowess. At 3 weeks he was 10lbs 5ozs! He is just getting big so fast!


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QueenScarlett said...

So sweet... you are tempting me. ;-)

I love that last pic of him. How are you doing?

Sarah Bogh said...

oh it is driving me CRAZY that i haven't seen him yet!!!! i'm seriously SO sad about it! oh well, we'll see you in lyman VERY soon! hooray!!!

Amy B said...

whose baby is that- dark hair???? is that the mail mans??? Looking forward to seeing you next next wed-

Richie and Sandy said...

You have a beautiful family! It was good to hear from you. Congratulations.

rowena said...

he is absolutely beautiful... that is how sid used to sleep too. he would NEVER let me swaddle him, he would wriggle out and protest. Sid got massive in the first three weeks too.. i think he was up to 11pounds.
Thank you SO SO SO much for the birth story.. i did read it right away. I was actually in utah when he was born with my mum and dad and sisters, we were having a bit of internet trouble so I did not get to comment and then forgot to go back later. Anyway. You were amazing. I would love to talk to you on the phone some time.. How are you feeling now?