Saturday, August 22, 2009

Bonding time


What a different world it is going from two kids to three. My big girls are sooooo good with Lee. Tenna was the first to get a real laugh out of him while playing peak-a-boo. Simple pleasures, huh?
The girls were recently intorduced to She-ra, so they have a fun excuse to run around with their pants off. What were they thinking in the 80's? We have been doing so much this summer, I feel a bit guilty that I haven't taken more pictures. My excuse is that the girls like to hide my memory card. It usually goes into the floppy drive, but this last time it went into one of the other card reader slots. It took me more time to discover it.


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soybeanlover said...

Wonderful pictures. I especially like your two little gangsters pic at the bottom. Thanks for showing some UCSD pride. ;)

I can't wait to see those munchkins of yours again!

DC Roses said...

Great picture up top Pam. I love their expressions! Too cute. I wish we were closer so that our kids could hang out (and us too). We'll have to get together when I make visits to Utah next year.

Amy B said...

I hope your loving every minute of Lee having some chub to him, he doesn't look to big but healthy- We are still working on keeping Ella over 19 pounds.