Friday, January 25, 2008

Big potty moments


Seeing as how Tenna is potty training Andi wants in on the action. She actually does pretty well. This picture is to record her first poop on the potty! Yeah...we are going to have to keep this up so maybe she can train more easily. She is just so excited when she puts something in the potty!
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soybeanlover said...

YEAH Andi!!!!

QueenScarlett said...

That is way too cute...and the picture you should use when someone asks you how potty training went...
caption: easy, clean and bright and cheery. ;-)

idon'tremembereatingcorn said...

I still feel the same way when "I put something in the potty." Good on ya

rowena said...

yeah andi -woohoo - that comment above was from Rob.