Thursday, January 31, 2008

Bobbing for terds...sigh...


Who me? No I wouldn't do that.


*Sardonic laugheter* 'twas I!


See told ya. You just wait to see what I can bring.

So yes, can you tell, it has been a dark day in the Noyes bathroom. There is nothing like children laughing and playing well to bring a chill to a moms heart...when it is in the bathroom. I put the girls in the tub and left to the next room to get pj's. The girls were both laughing hysterically so at least I knew neither one was holding the others head under the water. I come back to find that Tenna is drinking water and spitting it at Andi. Hmmm...not the ideal, but I will pretend I didn't see it so I can take something out of the oven.
Not one minute later I re-enter the bathroom to the same game, but the scene has changed. There are now little brown party favors floating in the water. Needless to say I was a bit distressed, and when mama is distressed....Tenna, in dismay at ahving been in a tub with poo, began to chastize Andi for her lack of sanitary consideration.
Both girls were expeditously removed from the tub, then opportunity costs had to be considered. Do I....
1. Get the girls dresses? (Now is one of those times that I could easily be put upon to overlook my abhorence for anti-bacterial lotion. Curse my rotten micro class for so many reasons.)
2. Fish to poop our of the tub before it softens into mush.

I foolishly chose to get Andi dressed then fish out the poo. Somehow Karma smiled on me and Tenna didn't find a warm heating vent to poop on while she ran around naked. People with kids know that the defiaction-urge is just as contagous as that of yawning. I guess all in all it wasn't that bad. Maybe I should just let them try to eat poo and let them get it out of their system, but I still care a little too much for that. I will say that while I have been writing this post I have had to get up 9 times (the kids are in bed mind you) to supply meat (I don't know why I think meat is less likely to rot their teeth out if they eat it after brushing) or re-dress Andi (she does love to take her clothes off). And I won't even say how I got the poop out of the tub...
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Sarah Bogh said...

ha ha ha, good story pam! Just think how much more clean your bathroom is with an almost daily poop disaster to make you scrub it!! otherwise it would probably go at least a few days with out a good scrubbing (longer at my house) look how lucky you are! :)

PamNoyes said...

Thank you for your encouragement. I should show more gratitude, shouldn't I.

soybeanlover said...

Tenna looks like some celebrity in that first photo, but I can't place who.

The Powells said...

The joys of being a mommy...we get to deal with that!!! I loved the story, thank you!!

rowena said...

your girls are absolutely beautiful. WOW. I love looking at them and I love hearing about them. Sweet poop story.That is a winner. As you can see we like talking about poop too. nothing funnier. Hopefully Sid stays away from fans. Heee.
I am glad we can keep in touch through this. You look great pam.