Saturday, January 12, 2008

Dinner and a Movie!

I may as well admit right off...yes...they are eating in front of the TV. Yes...they are eating ramen, but it is SPECIAL ramen. No, I did NOT add vegetables! Nicole sent me some fab sauce that the girls love, this makes "honey loodels," as Tenna calls them. She asks Rabbit (me) to please make honey looodles for lunch, so I did(ok second lunch, their first lunch really was much healthier). The "loodles," MUST then be consumed withtthe hands in the manner pictured so she can be like Pooh bear eating honey. Daddy said "party food," and in went Meet the Robinsons! So lazy, but fun! We ended up playing most of the time anywho. One thing though, we learned that we need to get some big band stuff, Andy couldn't help dancing when the frogs were on singing, and she kept going for about ten minutes after they stopped!
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soybeanlover said...

no veggies?!?!?!?! glad she likes it....and thank goodness for washing machines, eh?

DC Roses said...

I sure love your blog. Your kids are way cute! I love the picture with Albert and Andi looking out the window. You take some good shots. And I also love your mommy comments. It is nice to see that other moms out there understand what you are going through! :-) Keep up the good work!

Sarah Bogh said...

I LOVE tenna and andi's imagination, and your bravery at letting them eat that anywhere with fabric close by. :) the honey part is the best!