Thursday, March 06, 2008

When you have a sick baby


Poor Andi has had to deal with a lot the past few weeks. She has had two bouts of pretty high fever and lots of tummy rebellion. There are up sides in everything. She needs to cuddle a lot. Her poor little body is so tired though.


Tenna has had to deal with a lot too. She is completely stir-crazy. The most fun she had today was making mommy suck helium and sing "twinkle-twinkle little star." I need to get more creative ;) She actually does do a lot, but it is hard to get her to do anything when sister is watching a movie.


Along sickness and potty training comes a lot of laundry. I just haven't brought myself top folding it yet though. I guess I ahve to move it or something before my visiting teachers come over. Did you know that purple grape pedialide throw-up turns your carpet turquios?
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Michelle Weiss said...

I think taking care of sick ones and spending lots of cuddle time is much better than folding laundry. :)

Sarah Bogh said...

sad pam, i wish i could come help! i hope andi gets feeling better soon, give them both hugs for me!

The Powells said...

your such a good mommy...your poor girls look so sad and sick! im sorry, thats no fun

PamNoyes said...

Thanks ladies! Finally on day six she is pulling out of it! I am grateful.

*tif* said...

We should get together and clean your house and then move over to mine. I understand your laundry dilema. I forgot my V.T.ers were coming last month and I was folding garments when they walked in...dumb me! P.S. on the climbing thing, I think we should plan to hit a gym or two before the real thing...I'm way out of practice :)

DC Roses said...

Good for you that your laundry only looks like that when your kids are sick. Mine looks like that every week! :-) I love it when kids are all snuggly when they are sick. Now if only they would do that when they feel healthy... *sigh*

chelsea said...

poor sick kids... nothing breaks my heart more. purple gatorade also comes out of both ends as turquoise... what's the deal with that?