Sunday, June 08, 2008

Fun with whipped cream

Well Grandma Miller came over and brought us a half gallon of whipping cream so, of course, it was time or crepes! The girls ate some of the savory crepes, but when the dessert crepes came out all they wanted was the cream and strawberries!
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lacieinthesky said...

Ah yes, they are darling! I remember you telling me that Albert's sisters were beautiful and you were worried about Tenna having the same blonde hair, blue-eyed georgous thing going on. And you should be worried...with both of your girls. It's fun to watch them grow.

Sarah Bogh said...

hey pam, chop chop on some new pics! come on missy just cuz you're YWPres and are trying to get ready for camp while stll being super wife and mom doesn't mean you can slack off on my obsession with blogging and seeing new pics of my favorite Noyes family neices!! i am constantly checking and checking to see if you posted anything new, you gotta help me! :)