Monday, March 30, 2009

Our home was not made for fatties


The girls and I are going stir crazy now that the snow and cold are back. Sigh. They donned their dress jammies (which I made at the beginning of winter and are finally getting close to fitting) and played pretend all day. I have received a lot of comments recently on how creative they are at play. At the doctors office they pretend the chairs are a tunnel and crawl under them. Then they are a train and they get the other kids to join in. It is very interestng to see which moms are ok with their kids doing this kind of thing. I am glad my kids are imaginative and I hope I can be pretty open about allowing creative play...this morning I couldn't even get them to eat before they were princesses and needed a prince to save them. Good thing we decided dragons are tasty and easy to eat.
That brings me to my post title...the kids are so distracted recently when it comes to eating. It's no wonder they are skinny like their daddy, they have the same concentration issues at the dinner table! I, on the other hand, continue to expand and the house is starting to tell me about it. We have a few loose floor areas that groan and shake every time I walk over them. The couch is beginning to sag in the middle (for which only I am to blame...I sleep on it while preggo). Andi's bed is in severe distress every time I sit on it to sooth her at night. I can't wait to have a little baby and be able to whip myself back into shape. I am tired of my houses complaining.

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Sarah Bogh said...

You really need to post more often it always makes me laugh. and speaking of your house, it really gives me self esteem issues because not matter what i do i can't walk between your dining room and kitchen without feeling like i am going to knock the whole back of your house down with how much it shakes and creaks. seriously, your house has a distorted sense of what fat is....or at least that is what i tell myself when i am visiting you. so you can tell yourself the same thing. :)

p.s. i love those jammies and i want to make gracie some. she told me she wants some "dress" jammies.

Amy said...

I have thought several several several times in the last few days how nice it is to not be pregnant and to be able to fit in my pants, etc.... but I say this knowing I will be prego soon. I am just really really enjoying it now!

Julia said...

hahahaha... ah, your ability to make me laugh has never failed. what is it when we're prego we're unable to see how cute our baby bump is and unable to recieve all the compliments and what a beautiful time this really is. and i too have always loved your girls' creativity, they're little master minds they are!

Heidi said...

Well, to make you feel better I will tell you an embarrassing story. I broke our bed when I was pregnant. Yup. Broke as in Broke. I climbed on it. A second or two later... it came crashing down to the floor. The support wooden beam broke where there was a knot in the wood. We had to put BRICKS under the supports so I would feel comfortable getting on it again.

lacieinthesky said...

Your girls are darling and it's so fun to see what they come up with. You'll be back "in shape" in no time at all- but you're definitly not a fatty. I can't wait for you to have your little guy either, it's so exciting!