Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Boy's Blanket

Ok, so I have made this quilt top for boy, but I can't decide on a border. Do I do a beige border (same as background of center block) or a pieced border, or no border? I really am looking for opinions so please share!
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Andie said...

I would say, no border. It looks great and is already so colorful. I don't think it needs more. You are so artistic. I could never do that!

QueenScarlett said...

This is gorgeous. Pam... you have mad skillz. ;-)

If you really want a border...I'd say go with the bold blue you use for the border in the center. Just to tie it all in together. I am loving all the colors.

I think the colors could be for a girl (me) too. hahaha ;-)

k8theriver said...

the white and blue squares really make it pop and are my favorite part. i would do a white border with a blue border around it. unless in real life that turns out lame.
how do you find the time?

Stephanie said...

My first reaction was blue border.

Beautiful btw.

Amy B said...

I am the wrong person to ask- but wow- you get better and better the older you get, now, aren't you from California, like the beach or something... didn't you used to have an audi!!! I am just shaking my head in unbelief!

chelsea said...

i have no opinion about the border, the only opinion i have is that that quilt is amazing and i wish i knew how to do that. nice work!

Maren Berry said...

I say a blue border would be great. It is gorgeous! I'm so jealous!

soybeanlover said...

no border would be my first choice, but if you want a border I agree...blue was the first thing that came to mind.