Monday, February 16, 2009

Happy V-day to girlies!


The girls received a V-day package from the Noyes grandfolk and they were so stoked! It's funny, we aren't that into holidays like this, but having kids just makes everything way more fun. Do you like their mucky faces? Yeah, me too. Yes, I'm the slob, they get it from me.

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soybeanlover said...

Yeah, muck face is definitely from our side of the family....where'd we get it from?

Amy said...

valentines day, ummm we didn't even celebrate that, Darren actually totally totally and completely forgot, and I just waited all day to see if and when he would remember, 8:00PM

thats when he remembered

Richelle Gutierrez said...

Oh, Pam! Tenna is getting so beautiful! She really looks grown up! Andi too!