Monday, February 16, 2009



A little background. A few months ago I stumbled into my kitchen in the dark hours of the morning to take my daily meds. I have to take them an hour before I can eat, so it's a big priority while I am preggo ;). So I am half asleep, I pour myself a glass of water, grab a pill and go to drink. There is something fuzzy/hairy on my cup/lip so I pul back to check it out. Yeah, it's a spider! Gack, yuck, ptoowey. Well yesterday this is the sight that greeted my at the same hour of the day. So not cool! Why do they love my water? Do spiders want to be eaten? Well too bad, they get flushed down the garbage disposal! Muhahaha

Anywho, here is a crappy self-photo. It's all your gonna get for a while, and I know you all love seeing large viviporous women, so enjoy.
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Petersons said...

you look cute pam.dont worry u dont look big.your girls are big...i hope i have a girl next. say hi to albert.....

soybeanlover said...

Sorry about the spider!

Oh and GREAT work, I had to look up viviparous!

Heidi said...

I would seriously consider moving after your battles with SPIDERS! YUCK!

Maren Berry said...

I think I would have passed out at the first spider story. I am so freaked of spiders! You look great, Pam!! :)

k8theriver said...

that is a horrible, horrible experience.